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Welcome to the DiversityBusiness.com Centralized 2nd tier Reporting System.

Our supplier relationships extend beyond prime, or first-tier, suppliers. We recognize these partners' efforts to include minority- and women-owned suppliers among their own supplier partners. By promoting diversity among second-tier suppliers, we can share our success with an ever-widening circle of minority- and women-owned supplier partners. We encourage all of them to maintain high standards for quality in their products and service.

If you're a prime supplier to a company participating in our 2nd Tier Program, please use this online second-tier reporting form to submit your second-tier data. If you haven't been instructed in how to complete the form or are not sure if the company uses the DiversityBusiness.com Centralized 2nd Tier Program, please contact your Supplier Diversity Program manager for more information and additional options.

To begin, please enter your UserName and Password.

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