Advertising Information
Benefit and Value Proposition
Multicultural markets drive a part of your business. You support small businesses owned by women and men of all ethnicities. You wish to reach the diversity job market. You want to get your message to the diversity marketplace.
What is is the nation’s most comprehensive online resource center for small businesses and large
procurement organizations. It’s an award-winning, membership-based platform that facilitates contacts and
communication, streamlines business processes and provides vital business news and information.
Why Advertise on
Because is the nation’s largest resource for small businesses, diversity job candidates and
companies wishing to reach the diverse marketplace. Clients are able to promote their companies and career
opportunities more effectively with our multi-media marketing and advertising programs. In recognition of the
diversity of the world we live in, companies have been doing more and more multicultural advertising in recent
years. It’s a necessity for any company that wants to reach its customers, especially customers who for a variety of
reasons are not being reached through traditional mainstream advertising.
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